Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Beauty for Everyone (Product Reviews)

My Favorite Kind of Makeup

When I first started doing makeup, well more seriously doing makeup anyway, I was worried. I was worried it would change me into someone who obsessed about my looks. I was worried the more I learned about the products and application, that I would want to start putting more and more on my face for everyday looks. What if I fell in love with false lashes and I decided I NEEDED to wear them everyday!

I am happy to report, that although I admit to being more preoccupied with my vanity than I was before, I have not crossed over to the all- glam-all-the-time side. In fact, the opposite has happened. I find myself constantly looking up natural looks, new ways to apply makeup for that un-done look, and looking up the best videos on the no makeup makeup. My current favorite is Lisa Eldridge. I can watch her for hours. And she has a massive body of work.

In part, this preference is due to the fact that I have a normal 9-5, and the fact that I am not 17 or even in my early 20s for that matter. I wouldn't want to hear, "oh your makeup is so pretty today," because I'd much rather hear, "you look so pretty today." Well actually I'd rather hear "you are so clever, or talented or creative etc." but ok, "pretty" doesn't hurt either. (See the vanity coming through).

I think that's why I like makeup for film so much. It's about enhancing natural beauty. I get a lot of question from friends who don't really wear much to begin with, and I always steer them towards a really natural look. Because when I get these questions, no one is asking, "How do I wear more makeup?" Mostly what they are asking is, "How can I look better everyday, fit it into my busy schedule, and not spend a fortune?"

And the answer is always the same. "You already are beautiful. You have really great______. But here are a few products to help enhance your beauty and give you a more polished and really healthy look."

In my case, I have clear skin so I try to play it up as much as possible. The first picture is my Before: No Makeup. I smiled anyway, I mean why be sad and glum when you are showing off what your mama gave you.
The second look is my No Makeup Makeup look. I still look just like me, I just have a healthy slightly glowy look. I look awake and ready for the day, without looking like I'm really trying. This really is one of my favorite ways to wear makeup.

Before: No Makeup

After: No Makeup Makeup

So this section is for you, my friends who I have helped, and those that I have yet to meet. Those of you who may or may not love makeup, who just need help picking out products that fit into your life and style. This section is Beauty for Everyone.

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