Committing to a project, piece of cake! Committing to a look, well that's a bit trickier. I think part of the reason it is so hard to commit and just go for it, is because when you are working on your own face, it's really hard to stay objective. Not every look is right for every face, and when you know a look is so wrong on you, its hard to keep working and really commit for the sake of practicing.
I've been working backstage on "Chicago" with the Torrance Theatre Company, so I was inspired to try a 1920s look.
Here is the image from Glamour Daze that I used for inspiration. Below that, is what I ended up with.
Glamour Daze
I like how glowy my skin looks and I think it's a pretty look, but it's not what I was going for at all. I tried a much darker eye and sloped my brow down, but you can barely see either in this picture. I could blame the photographer (me) but really it was my inability to commit to a look that wasn't exactly "pretty." I washed it all off and resolved to try again, and not let my personal aesthetic get in the way. But I had to commit, and take it much further than I was actually comfortable with.
In stepped Clara Bow as my new inspiration. She had the 1920s look I wanted, but was too afraid to try the first time. Not pretty, but beautiful in its boldness. (NNDB)
So here is my version of Clara Bow. It wasn't intended to be an exact replica, just a way to push beyond my comfort zone. I used glue and powder to block out my eyebrows this time, so I could draw on a sloping brow. I made sure to darken the inside of my eyes to really drop the eye and went for the full cupid lip. My blending around my brows was not great and my lips could have been a little sharper. I also had a hard time lighting my face properly. But overall, I was much happier with this look because I stepped out of my comfort zone. It doesn't have to be perfect the first time, I just have to do it. The bold, the grotesque, even the ugly is not something to be feared. It is only makeup after always washes off.
I dig the second look.